Saturday, October 15, 2005


Sigmund Freud, whose poetic sensibility is not widely recognised, once said that all men feel nostalgia for the sun.


Uli Meyer said...

Is that what you do between 3am-7am.

alberto mielgo said...

Great thing!
I'm so happy to see you back.
That's such an amazing work.
I'll keep it for me.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... The sun, or was it the son, or even the mom, I mean the moon... Eeeerr, I'm getting confused, where is Dr Klop when you need him.

limbolo said...

still in rehab...

Anonymous said...

Rehab is for quitters.

limbolo said...

that's Klop all over....

Mark McDonnell said...

Beautiful piece. Now I know who you are.

Great stuff.