Wednesday, March 15, 2006

limbololand 9


Oscar Grillo said...

Limbolo's Golden Greats!!!

Matt Jones said...

Magnificent montage!

Matthew Cruickshank said...

The wonderful Cabinet of Dr. Limbolo.

Miras said...

1. The Best of Limbolo.
2. No Japonisme though.
3. Still, I like it (the new, unknown, not yet shown, part of it even more).
4. Gold.

Elliot Cowan said...

Limbolo....This is your life...

limbolo said...

life goes on, but limbolo is on hold.

A. Riabovitchev said...

I know, it will be a book!:O)

Matt Jones said...

A book?! The rumour starts here . . .

A. Riabovitchev said...

The word is fly of.:O0

alberto mielgo said...

The rumour starts!
I would love a Limbolez book. When!!

Elliot Cowan said...

A book? I see a 16 part mini series.
You'll be played by Winona Ryder in a beard and overalls.

Josh Parpan said...

Amazing work!

Uli Meyer said...

Hi everybody! I'm back on the blogging scene and if you want to link me that's where I am.

limbolo said...

m'um's the word...

Iker Paz said...

Some of these pieces are good enough to press for your exile from Earth.