Sunday, March 05, 2006

memories of a smoking car

....another filthy habit.
Limbololand recently recieved a shipment of Sherman's delicious Havana Ovals.


Oscar Grillo said...

Amazing...Every day in every way you are getting beter and better.

LuisNCT said...

enjoy it! ;)

Matt Jones said...

great, can you bring a box of stogies to the meal tomorrow?!

A. Riabovitchev said...

I give up smoking 6 years ago.Great picture!I like this kind of brush what you use.
Though cigarettes in Russia are cheaper, than in England .:o)

A. Riabovitchev said...

Itself has not understood, that has written .:)

Unknown said...

Thanks for inviting me to join you with Oscar, Alberto and Matt today for lunch Limbolo, I hope will do it again.

limbolo said...

Salut Stef, I hope you managed to stagger back to your Hammermith hideout after all those green licquers.
I am hoping that the fabulously wealthy Mr. Grillo will arrange to fly Andrei out for our next pizza boludalia.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Actually it is possible.:O)I plan to visit England in the summer .My son and the wife from England.:)

Unknown said...

It was difficult, but I did it, I would have loved to stay all afternoon in such good company. Hopefully we'll do a dinner next time.
I have this Japanese pen for you, your name on it.

alberto mielgo said...

Neil this cigarttes art looks more for eat than for smoke!
Could be so nice to organice it in the summer with mr. RIABOVITCHEV. This time ,outside with great sun in our faces and those cigarettes.
Great to see you again.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Now I know Альберто !This picture looks, as advertising of chocolate .:o)

limbolo said...

OK, we'll get together in the park in August and eat cigarettes.

Unknown said...

...and don't forget the green those beautiful green you have in this painting.