Friday, April 21, 2006

a turn in the south (2)

Lunch time in Arles.


Michael said...

Wow! Stunning!
(quoting the muse of the bloggers: A.C.)
It really is lovely.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Very touching!

Oscar Grillo said...

"Et tu Michael", you also got into the drift of blogger's little "corrillo"? ("Gossip group" in Castillian)

Sparth said...
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Sparth said...

i'm still your biggest fan!
i've got so much to learn from you.

(if it still show an empty post, i deleted my last post because of a mistake)

Elliot Cowan said...

This made me laugh out loud.
Cute plastic bike juxtaposed and all.

I'll repeat myself again here and note that I marvel at this kind of business.
I can see that it is all simple shapes but the way you make it into an almost 3D arrangement is baffling to me.
I sound a little naive I think, when I'm trying to sound excited

Michael said...

Si, Oscar! I like the uniting possibilities of blogging software.
Probably because I have nobody to gossip with in my milieu. :¬)

justinpatrickparpan said...

Enchanting work as usual. Very original, great colors and textures—I’m really a huge fan!

richtuzon said...

I can't get over your work...truly beautiful.

Martin Wittig said...

Excellent work! I love the color choices.I also love the contrast in materials from the toy bike to the hard walls and ground.Bravo!!

Miras said...

Super, you did it again, Mister...
My jaw just hurts so much. Have to rearrange my desk in some clever way... Pillow on keybord maybe?...

alberto mielgo said...

What an idea. I could never be touched by an ugly kid-bike, but you made it work in beautty.
One of my favourites for sure.

Unknown said...

Great illo! i like the textures and the bike's colours.

Sylvie Lacroix said...

I've spend two months in Arles...I can feel the sun again and breath the calm of a peacefull afternoon...great usual!

limbolo said...

Bonne soiree fourmi,
Les fourmis sont mes petites bestioles preferees.