Thursday, April 27, 2006

a turn in the south (3)


juanjo nieto said...

que lo traduzca el Mielgo tal:
no puedo con tanto color y tanta soledad.

Elliot Cowan said...

He's looking for the washing line, yes?

limbolo said...

No, he's expecting his fabulously wealthy Uncle Oscar to bring the caviar sandwiches from the car.

Oscar Grillo said...

El Sur Tambien Existe (I. M. Serrat-Mario Benedetti)

A. Riabovitchev said...

It looks like book cover without name.I like idea with caviar sandwiches from the car.:O)I like caviar with vodka.:O)

limbolo said...

It certainly does Oscar.
Freud said that all men of the North feel nostalgia for the South.

Miras said...

Does the thing with nostalgia apply to men of South too?

limbolo said...

Freud has sometimes been accused of cultural limitation....Among other things.
Nostalgia may be a Northern neurosis. It's something to look into....

harmonyinline said...

This is wonderful I love the textures and colors.