Friday, May 12, 2006


This little guy was for a project that must remain nameless.
Imagine him with the voice of Joe Pesci.

(Sincere apologies to those whose comments were deleted along with some recent posts.)


A. Riabovitchev said...

I think this one is even more funny then previous post.But I like his Scottish pipe!:O)

Elliot Cowan said...

Goodfellas 2, right?

Deluria said...

One of The Glassblower's Children characters had a crow like this one. Or at least that's how i imagined it when i was a child.

limbolo said...

Goodfellas eh?
Must be that beak....Remember the scene with the guy in the back of the car?

I don't know this story Delu. I will look out for it.

The movie wandered off into development hell. It may yet resurface. This guy will probably be wearing a baseball cap and a tee shirt by then.

Boris Hiestand said...

'are youz leffin emmie? DANCE!' I can hear it clearly.

alberto mielgo said...

2 new nice surprises. First this funny crow which is great. I imagine him for sure with Joe JPesci's voice, one of the most scary and dangerous bad guy I've ever seen( In many of his great roles).
And the second one is your new white blog, much nicer and fresh for the summer!

limbolo said...

Alberto, Hola... Time for a little spring cleaning.

Hey Boris, I didn't know Joe Pesci was Dutch.

Mark said...

Really nice sketch man, some beautiful work on here. As always an inspiration...

limbolo said...

Pay attention in the cheap seats.
I said ...SOUNDS like.

Cheers, my man.

Unknown said...

Cool bird, I would like to have one of these for pets!! Love the oriental painting feel .... pretty!!

Martin Wittig said...

I love this one!!!:)