Wednesday, July 05, 2006

atenism today


Elliot Cowan said...

I am currently in transit and have no-one to explain atenism to me.

Oscar Grillo said...

Flying Saucer? Second coming of Jesus? Eclipse? The Red Arrows? Superman? Elvis?

Anonymous said...

The Order of the Aten Temple is dedicated to the revival of the religion of Atenism as a worldwide faith. Praise be Akhenaten

limbolo said...

Thank you, alina adios.

Well, there you have it Elliot. (My own interest is merely secular.)
There are various books on Akhenaten. My favourites are:
OEDIPUS AND AKHENATEN: Emmanuel Velikovsky.
DWELLER IN TRUTH: Naguib Mahfouz.
The Velikovsky is way out of print. The Freud is in the Penguin Collected Works. Naguib Mahfouz' novel is available in the States.

Anonymous said...

There are a couple of groups devoted to the revival of Atenism.