What a beauty!...Looks like Fritz Lang.
As a child I delighted in puppets.This was a lovely flashback.
I love this character!:O)In Russian Klop mean - bug, bed-bug; chinch ore forest-bug .
Damnit how do you do that??!!!
He asked Vladimir Mayakovsky, Matt.
Why do we artists love old men? Nobody else does.
Well, know I really do want to know!
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What a beauty!...Looks like Fritz Lang.
As a child I delighted in puppets.
This was a lovely flashback.
I love this character!:O)In Russian Klop mean - bug, bed-bug; chinch ore forest-bug .
Damnit how do you do that??!!!
He asked Vladimir Mayakovsky, Matt.
Why do we artists love old men? Nobody else does.
Well, know I really do want to know!
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