Friday, September 15, 2006

puppy show

Both pictures here were done while I was working on CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY.
One became part of the design concept for the 'chocolate-river room'.
The other has more to do with one of my own interests.
(I show it here for my friend in Moscow: Andrei Riabovitchev.)


Matt Jones said...

I still maintain it looks more like a fudge tunnel?

limbolo said...

I did'nt know you maintained anything Jones-boy.

william wray said...

love the scrachy grafic quality of the bottom one...

dodo said...

I need to get a dvd with "Charlie" now, as i haven't seen it yet...

The black-and-white picture reminds me of illustrations in old books- French editions mostly, i'm not at all familiar with Russian print-making...

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. Amazing.

A. Riabovitchev said...

The second one remind me picture from magazine.And i dont know why but remind me Ivan Bilibins artwork.:O)!venetsia-b.jpg

limbolo said...

I will post some things on Gibbon next week...You''l love it, D.

A. Riabovitchev said...

I can't wait ! probably I'll open soon one more blog about Russian artists!:O)

lotusgreen said...

so great! really looks like a woodblock print!

is it worked from a photo?

limbolo said...

No. It's a little pen and ink sketch, filtered in photoshop.