Friday, September 29, 2006

a turn in the south (7)

The ear of Van Gogh.


Deluria said...

Tremendous portrait! She's like a spanish and limbolish Salomé. Love the hairdo and her expression.

Oscar Grillo said...

This is one of my all time favourites!

Elliot Cowan said...

Queen of Hearts - this belongs in Alice in Limbololand.

dodo said...

Dark look. Hypnotizing.
And a glorious midday sky...?

A. Riabovitchev said...

It's looks like you open your soul to everybody!

limbolo said...

Thanks everyone...Interesting remarks.
The woman is an Arlesienne in traditional costume. Arles is - notoriously - where Van Gogh parted company with his ear.

Oscar Grillo said...

You should have accompanied this with music by Bizet.

limbolo said...

Actually, I would accompany all of this stuff with music if I knew how to do it.

This one would either be ROLAND KIRK's "the Inflated Tear', or perhaps, 'There's Always Something There to Remind Me' by SANDIE SHAW.

Matt Jones said...

This is ridiculously good. I ate a similar dish last when when my French associates took me out for dinner.

limbolo said...

They'll eat anything...

Anonymous said...

Normalement, oui.
Mais, il faut que l'oreille est frais et bien prepare.

Unknown said...

This is too WICKED!! HA ! HA !!

David Malan said...

This painting is really unbelievable. Really cool. What program do you work in?

limbolo said...

I'm obliged to you Dave. I'm always pleased to see your neighbourly face in the comments box.
It's done in Photoshop. It's (approximately) based on 19th.C portraits of the ladies of Arles in traditional costume. It also contains something borrowed from early Flemish paintings where the sitter holds something symbolic with a tiny hand.

william wray said...

what a fun monster. Love the tiny hand, shows how a smll element can create big things...