Tuesday, January 23, 2007



Anonymous said...

Limbolo au pays des cigalles.

dodo said...

The air is clear...

James Chiang said...

pure mastery....

Oscar Grillo said...

Is that in the wall a "grillo" (cricket)?

Shelly Wan said...

I would love to see your color keys for the animations sometimes.
There is just such an elegant mastery of design in your work, that i think if i look at your work enough, i could study and become better at design too~ ^0^

and the Double A's not a pro at all,

limbolo said...

It is indeed, a grillo...Of unknown species.

You're very kind.
Many of the things I post at Limbolo are my own whims, works and projects. So there isn't necessarily any animation connected. This picture is a case in point.
At heart I am not a fantasist. I would rather draw a haunted hotel than a haunted castle. Practically my influences lie with Japanese 'traditional' art, 20th.C modernist graphic design and the surrealists. I have no interest whatever in apemen, bug eyed goblins, humanoid robots and hi-tec aircraft. I leave that to those better qualified than myself.
There is an excellent book 'JAPONISME' by SIEGFRIED WICHMANN which - if you don't know it already - you could take a look at.

Thanks again.

Dominic Bugatto said...

you make it look so easy as usual. great composition.

Shelly Wan said...

I check out the book you mentioned, and from the preview pages i can see paintings with great designs that i always want to try! even one in a Fan shape not unlike my new piece! i am definitely buying it.
funny, i love your simplifying design and wonder how it would work with Goblins and Sci fi scences...? porbably brings an elegance to that as well. :)

thank you very much,

limbolo said...

2 more to add to your bookshelf, Shelley:

"Japanese Modern" by Seymour Chwast (and others)
Publ. Chronicle books.

"Symbols of Japan" by Merrily Baird. (Publ. Rizzoli)
(this one is a real feast of Japanese traditional motifs and craftwork.)

Your latest post is a real cracker, by the way.

Elliot Cowan said...

"I have no interest whatever in apemen, bug eyed goblins, humanoid robots"... yet you work with so many of them on a daily basis!

limbolo said...

I didn't know you had such a low opinion of my colleagues, Elliot.

Mauricio said...

Nice, nice!!!

Elliot Cowan said...

I wasn't suggesting there is anything wrong with apemen, bug eyed goblins, humanoid robots or anyone else in animation.

enb said...

Mr Limbolo-
You may, if you havent already be interested in the book;
"The Complete Woodblock Prints of Yoshida Hiroshi" Abe Publishing
ISBN4-87242-121-3 C3071
A worthy addition to anyones collection.

limbolo said...

Thanks for the tip, Mr. Enb.
Yoshida was a lovely artist. I'll certainly put this on my shopping list.

Matt Jones said...

Ah, just like the view from my balcony, except the giant grillo!

Marcos Mateu said...

And leave the rest to the imagination...

limbolo said...

You must have two balconies, Matt.

Brindis, Marcos,
the imagination is always a good place to rest.

Shelly Wan said...

Thanks Mr. Ross~
i am sure i will learn plenty from them! ^___^


Robin said...

this is really stunning, great colour palette!