Tuesday, February 27, 2007


A few months ago I was asked to design a creature made of screwed-up paper.
It was for a commercial advertising AMP-COLA. (You can drink it.)
I did a few collages made of paper scraps.
They used one of them.
Not this one.
But this is the one I prefer.


Elliot Cowan said...

You are a clever kind of creature, Limbolo.

Unknown said...

That's very interesting. It looks like one of your paintings to me, I mean that you painted the creature rather than made an actual collage, I think it's due to how it's arms and legs look.
The contrasts, light and shadow are very Limbolo.
I really like it.
Can we see the commercial somewhere?

limbolo said...

Try 'Amp Cola' at YouTube, Stef.

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Show the design they chose here please.

limbolo said...

All in good time Crookie.

Just by the way, the director and producer were very nice people to deal with and they paid my invoice quick-quick.
Very nice.

chenguin said...

das ist nett. das sieht wie etwas von der Ukraine aus. ich kann mich darauf beziehen.

limbolo said...

Bald werden alle Bürger von Ukraine AmpCola genießen. Und Senioren auch. ..Long Leben.

chenguin said...

Danke, mein Freund. Kann der große Gott Kiews, mit Ihnen sein.

Elliot Cowan said...

The final product is rather a disturbing piece.
The producers are indeed to be commended.

dodo said...

"Cool" creature.

Matt Jones said...

Very nice Producers INDEED! Tough but interesting brief. Off to UTUBE to search for it...