Friday, July 06, 2007



PleinEric said...

May I be the first?

The measured design is beautifully offset by the whipping calligraphic marks... very nice touch!

limbolo said...

You say the nicest things, eric.

Abraham said...

Very beatifull!

Ibrahim AlGwaiz said...

Please for the love of god, stop making it look so easy!
And thanks a whole bunch for sharing this beatifull work.

Mauricio said...

Ale Toro....

Muy bueno!

Jack Snider said...

Limbolo is magic.

Randy Bantog said...

Great looking piece.

Joshua James said...

mr. limbo,

Ever thought of an art book??? Can't remember if I already asked that ^ ^

Elliot Cowan said...

syferium says "i receive 72$ every month doing nothing".

You work in advertising maybe?
Or are some kind of executive for an animation production company?
Or a government minister?

limbolo said...

If you plan on doing nothing you could get a much better rate than that. I've seen it done, believe me.

Shelly Wan said...

Greetings Mr. Ross~

Haven't drop by lately because i have no internet connection at new job... :( But it's always so great and inspiring to see your work! Simply fascinating. I wonder what your process is? do you use traditional media at all in these pieces, besides the old oil ptg and occasional landscape paintings? and do you have a library of costum tree and texture brushes in Photoshop?
i know these questions of technique really doesn't matter as long as i have the right principles; but as a fan i still want to find out. :P Sorry~


limbolo said...

Hello Shelly,
I make up a lot of home made brushes in photoshop. I would'nt call it a library... More like a junk pile. I think it's a good idea to - regularly - chuck them all out and start again. I am not much of a painter by traditional means but I scribble constantly in sketchbooks. This particular picture began as a pen-and-ink sketch.
I like to improvise and I like artists - of all kinds - who improvise: like the veteran torero Luis Francisco Espla, who you see here.
Good luck with the new job.