Friday, January 04, 2008

Hurry, hurry

Something I did 2 or 3 years ago when I had time to spare.
Music by Handel: The Hunter's aria from Julius Caear.


Luc Desmarchelier said...

Hey Neil,
Happy new year to you too.
As for the kids, they are awfully cute if I may say so myself. Even so, after ten days at home with the three of them, I have to admit I was a little relieved to go back to the relative quiet of the office.
Bises a Marianne.

Mauricio said...

Hello Limbolo

Great year full of art!

Nice animation :o)

alberto mielgo said...

What a beautifull thing.
So new and fresh.
Would we realize sometime that animation is about imagination and not about money and bad taste as usual...

Erwin Madrid said...

This is great! I love the paintings in this blog as well.

Gracia said...

Hello! This is very nice and funny! I like the chinese letters running after the "animal"! and the colour contrast... simple but it works... And for the rest of the paintings in the blog... man, I love your style! :)

limbolo said...

It was my plan to animate the aria with a stream of completely different imagery in motion. Perhaps one day I'll get back onto it.

Unknown said...

This is really cool!! Do you create this in a 3D program or 2D program?

limbolo said...

After Effects, Alina... It's cool, try it.

Vladimir Bursać said...

Simply wonderful!
But, the words are weak to describe this...