Friday, January 18, 2008

whatever happened to...

... Dr. Muffin's machine?


Mathieu Beaulieu said...

wow! it is so dynamic
I love it!
what a great use of geometry

Anonymous said...

Neil, it makes me cry! I enjoy your work on so many levels and just can't stop loving your use of shape and light...soo much space in this thing, so much air. Breathtaking!

limbolo said...

This illustration I did about 3 years ago. My contract-confidentiality agreement with the producers of this feature project has now 'timed out'. So here it is. It will never spring to life unless I do it myself.
I am 10 years old when I do this kind of thing...MGM surrealism.

Elliot Cowan said...

What did happen to Dr. Muffin's machine?

Erwin Madrid said...

Nice fun design! Very playful and wacky.

limbolo said...

I dunno Elliot,
They said they didn't "want to do the Tim Burton thing". Which is a sure sign that's exactly what they wanted to do...

limbolo said...

Thank you Erwin, I am not normally called upon for wackiness.

Anonymous said...

...then I'd have to ask you to stay 10 years old for as long as you possibly can. This kind of your work makes my life bearable...

Elliot Cowan said...

Neil - that's completely untrue.
You are the wackiest guy I know.

limbolo said...

Have to do what I can to keep Jenja from suicide.

Elliot Cowan said...

It's quite a responsibility.
I'm not sure you're up to it.

limbolo said...

"Suicide is painless, it brings on many changes..."
As one of the best - and perhaps, the only - movie about cruelty, once said.

Jenja, take it easy, read some good books and watch some good movies. The current output is dismal but the backlog is rich.

enb said...

thanks again for sharing.