Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In Marrakech 8

For Adebanji...


Unknown said...


Hoon said...

I wish I could observe when you're painting. Your understanding of lights, layout ability and daring expression are outstanding.

limbolo said...

Hello Hoony,
Thanks for your generous remarks. This is based on one of my photos of Marrakech. I make no great claims about working this way - painting in photoshop is a lot easier than working in 'real' pigments - other than to say that it gives me huge pleasure and that the 'painting' is probably more interesting than the photograph. Perhaps because the painted image transmits my pleasure-in-the moment.
I am an indifferent draughtsman and I don't have your knowledge of the human figure. I try to SEE the pure abstract composition and work to that. I don't 'trace' over the photo or paint on top of it... It never works.

Hoon said...

Thanks for the minute and interesting explaining about your works, Neil. You're very kind. I've gotten inspiration a lot by seeing your stuff. Thank you again.

Matt Jones said...

You're the best 'indifferent draughtsman' out there. Bises-

limbolo said...

Mignon, Matteovitch...

adebanji said...

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME I LOVE IT! Thanks a million! I feel real honoured! God bless you real good!!!!!!!!

adebanji said...

This scape has a solid, abstract feel to it! GREAT!

limbolo said...

You're welcome, Adebanji.

LuisNCT said...

great composition and feeling... I really like it's abstract quality