Tuesday, September 02, 2008

a noir for august


Zeljko Duvnjak said...

Nice atmosphere,
Just like Vancouver two weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

very very beautiful !

A. Riabovitchev said...

B E A U T I F U L ! ! !:o)

hans bacher said...

s t u n n i n g ! the mood, the composition, choice of colors and the S T Y L E ! sie sind verhaftet mr. ross...

adebanji said...

the distance against the foreground is extraordianary!

Hoon said...

I don't know what to say about my feeling. This's just Tremendous!!!

limbolo said...

Good Evening Lady and Gentlemen,
You are all too kind.
At least I get something from that miserable august.

Matt Jones said...

Crumbs, sorry to hear August was gloomy for you.
Raja & I took advantage of the fine weather here to make an attempt at the Vallée de Merveilles from the other direction; via St Dalmas deTende, walking from Casterino -but we only got as far as the cascade de Valmasque. Wasn't as brutal as our attempt last year.

alberto mielgo said...

Neil, this is beautiful!

Miras said...

Just the usual: STUNNING.

C.Deboda said...

This is great! Love the mood, atmosphere, graphic quality...and everything.

Nathan Fowkes said...

I check in regularly, but haven't thanked you in a while for the beautiful posts. Thanks!


incredible,have lot of depth and mistery,fantastic

mposis said...

awesome work. very inspiring.

jason hazelroth said...

this is great.

Ravi Gulhane said...

Nice atmosphere,
I like your style.