Friday, January 16, 2009

fish girl


dodo said...

"... Tang und Algen hielten sich an ihr ein
So daß sie langsam viel schwerer ward.
Kühl die Fische schwammen an ihrem Bein
Pflanzen und Tiere beschwerten noch ihre letzte Fahrt."

Bertolt Brecht, Vom ertrunkenen Mädchen

limbolo said...

Always good to have you around, Dodo.

limbolo said...

Sea weed and algae cling to her
so she became slowly heavier,
cold fish brushed her legs.
Plants and animals weighed her last journey down

(Translation by Uli Meyer)

dodo said...

Thanks to Uli Meyer for the translation, i like the way it sounds in English.

limbolo said...

Well at least I know what it means. Doesn't really clang in the depths like the German, though.

Contacto: said...

Me encanta!!
Puedo preguntarte en qué te has inspirado!
un saludo