Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Uli Meyer said...

I've been there. And I'm feeling the wind cutting through my shirt because I left the coat in the car.

Larry MacDougall said...

Nice !
Strong design and composition.
Well done.

limbolo said...

Ay,ay Cap'n Um... Woolly jumper country.

Tyler Stott said...


i love all the sharp straight edges.

robh said...

squeeeel, new favorite!!!!

Oscar Grillo said...

I feel like going on a journey........

Anna Bron said...

feels like a cold morning at 5am

enb said...

This little scene has been inspiring me all week. I love it.

abhishek said...

love the layout:) the wide road, the cars on the side, unique arrangement of elements, truly genius :)

Shaddy Safadi said...

The shapes are always so damn sexy! great work as always Neil.


kalonji said...

I dont know how you doing this?! powerfull ! its so true your shapes are so good. love it!! ^^thks for sharing your wonderfull artwork.

sincerely jpk