Sunday, November 06, 2005



Oscar Grillo said...

If you journey to Buenos Aires, in "Galeria Pacifico" there is a shop in which you could buy Jibaro's articles including shrunk heads...I KID YOU NOT!

Anonymous said...

Hey Limbolo, am I mistaken or do I recognize Dr Klop's long lost cousin from the Yanomami ?

limbolo said...

Bang to rights ush...

Unknown said...

WOW!! Love your new painting postings!! Always enjoy your works!!

Oscar Grillo said...

Yes...I agree with Alina..Limbolo's work is getting every day more cool, more awesome, and very often,totally neat.
Toodle ooh, old boy!

Mark McDonnell said...

Beautiful textural sketch within the digital medium. Wonderful character and approach, a real refreshing thing.


The Original Dangster said...

DANG..That illo is KICK ASS, but it's freaki'n me out. I had a nightmare when I was 5 about a dude who looked just like this..I wet the bed and everything.

limbolo said...

Don't freak dangster....You're a big boy now.