Saturday, October 14, 2006

off with his head...


Unknown said...

awesome!! Love the invisible headless man idea!

Dominic Bugatto said...

Awesome . Fun and creepy all at once.

Deluria said...

I have similar difficulties in imagining lions but i never wear such an elegant top hat nor that big poker deck when i lose my head.

Elliot Cowan said...

The Invisible Headless Man!
He's not only invisible, but he has no head!

Also see:
The Hairless Wolfman!
The Vegetarian Vampire!
The Inert Adventures of Frankensteins Monster!

dodo said...

Such an interesting image. Although there are things in it I cannot explain (the card in his left hand- my ignorance?), I think it is captivating.

Elliot Cowan said...

Why does it need explanation?

limbolo said...

Hold that thought El El,
You should pitch it to Uli the next time you're in your cups.

Nice to hear from you.
Actually this little picture is a further development of my 'Alice' theme. The chap with his head tucked under his arm is a stoic. (My characters seeming to divide between stoics and hysterics.)
I did it for my father, who is celebrating his 85th birthday soon and was once stalked by a tiger. When asked if he would have shot the tiger if it charged, he said: "What makes you think I had anything to shoot it with."
I believe that tigers and lions are not truly seperate species - they can interbreed. When induced to do so the offspring is an immense, docile creature: the tigon.

Alina, Dominic, Cali,

limbolo said...

The card is the Ace of Hearts.

dodo said...

it doesn't.

thanks, i recognized it. I also read your answer to delu.
A tigon would make the finest pet...

limbolo said...

I dunno... It must be a helluva bill for catfood.

A. Riabovitchev said...

What can be better than realization of idea! :O)

limbolo said...


A. Riabovitchev said...

The Tiger looks cheeky actually!:O)

Deluria said...

How did your father survive? Who found his head?

And, what about you? Are you hysteric or stoic?

85 years old and an ace of hearts. Sounds good :-)

limbolo said...

tigers, it seems, do more stalking than charging... My old man's head is firmly, if sleepily, still well stuck on his shoulders.
As for me...I am merely neurotic.

Belinha Fernandes said...

Hello!This is the image of the man who lost his head...It has been a lot of time since my last visit.I should link you. Have a nice week!And don't loose your head...

Belinha Fernandes said...

It's done.I linked you.Now I'll be checking your art often.Prepare yourself for nonsense comments...

Elliot Cowan said...

Nonsense comments on the blogs?
Whatever will they think of next?

alberto mielgo said...

beautifull piece.
I would like to hear ones the story about your father and the tiger.
I allways though that many spieces can interbreed, despiting the science. the convinations could be crazzy.
Take care.

Marcos Mateu said...

I'll never try to imagine a tiger again!

A. Riabovitchev said...

You probably love it!:O)
Esao Andrews

limbolo said...

Well no, not really. But thanks for pointing me over to the DRAWN site: there is a link to the very intersting work of Brazilian artist 'LELIS'.

limbolo said...

A. Riabovitchev said...

Thanks Neil ! I check already ! I Agree He is Great!:O)

dodo said...

Are you familiar with Greek Orthodox iconography?

limbolo said...

Sounds interesting. But your link isn't getting me anything. Can you email it to me?

dodo said...


limbolo said...

I incline to a Freudian interpretation of decapitation.
I've been thinking about it for 3 reasons: firstly: The Holbein exhibition at the Tate which focuses upon the portraits - i.e. the heads - of several Tudor grandees who were about to lose theirs. And the Queen of hearts in 'Alice' who barges about demanding "off with their Heads, off with their heads!"
Also: Tigers - a predator designed to take on prey as robust as water buffalo - will normally decapitate a human victim for no reason other than we break more easily than buffalos.
Many thanks for The John the Baptist image, Dodos. Is the Baptist particularly important in the Greek Orthodox Church?